Saturday 8 September 2012

Talking about beauty.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Siapa yang tak sukakan kecantikan kan? Aku memang suka tapi tak lah sampai aku tak fikir pasal lain-lain hal. Nanti keduniaan sangat pula kan.

Talking about beauty, mostly people recollect it as skin care or cosmetics. Well, I'm not into cosmetics that much but a big YES for skin care. For the past like 10 years (waweh!), I've been searching for the best skin care for my skin, be it expensive or low-cost local brand. You name it. Semua haku pernah cuba and from then on I've been experimenting with a massive number of skin cares.

Cerita sikit la kan macam mana haku boleh suka jaga-jaga kulit ni semua. When I was like 14, I adored one of my besties' skin and I was like, dia pakai apa ni, muka flawless gilus kan, and like putih berseri gituh. Then I knew (of course la because I asked her) that she shared her sister's skin care which was a local brand yang tak mahal pun tapi as it worked best for some people's skin. So she used that and haku yang terpengaruh ni pun, well you know at this age you would want to try like everything.haha. Then haku pun pakai lah, lepas beberapa ketika I was like (What? Kenapa muka aku tak flawless macam kawan aku ni..Jewawat lagi tu!). Then, after then on, my mum keep babbling yang I shouldn't use random skin care like that kan. So, yeah. Muka haku pun from then on jadi macam oily and pimples and you name it..Sedih mak tau...huu.. Enough of that.

And macam-macam la aku gune from then on untuk mengembalikan keremajaan kulit haku ini. Tapi satu pun macam tak jalan sangat and I don't know why. Sampai la bila aku masuk teacher training institute, mak asyik bebel-bebel yang kulit anak kawan dia cantik and stuff and my mum recommended that I use AG 2000. Harga dia memang super expensive at that time and I used to buy this product on my own pulak tu..Like I was so sengkek liddat kan..The first 3 months I used the product and I was like *Wow! Bestnye kulit licin habaq hang and there's no single pimple on my face*. After a while like 6-8 months been using the skin care line, then I realised that there're so many bintik-bintik timbul on my face and I tell you, it's not cool at all and you'll look super ugly. I cannot look at my face in the mirror. Sedih. I don't know what was wrong then because I was not a skin specialist. How on earth did I know what's happening on my skin?? Bintik-bintik tu were actually like bintik minyak and they will not disappear only if you apply on normal anti-acne gel or solution.

I was like *What do I do with my skin OMG!*Banyak kali kot I cried and cried because not because I'm ugly, but because I don't know how to fix my skin. Confidence level pun kurang and if people are looking at me, I was like paranoid they are talking bad about me. So sadistic. =''(
Then, I worked part time in Kumon Centre and nearby ada klinik yang the doctor offers Skin Treatment. I told my mun, *why don't we try this*The fees were very expensive and you'll see like orang kaya-kaya je pergi which I pun cam berlakon jadi orang kaya kan huhuhu =''(
The overall budget yang haku belanjakan adalah jika ditambah tolakkan mahu jatuh miskin haku walaupun bekerja siang dan malam sebagai tukang semak kertas *je* kat Kumon tu..Sangat mahal and apa yang dia tawarkan pada kulit haku adalah ubat jewawat, ubat makan (oral pills) and chemical peeling treatment. Mula2 ok, tapi selepas lama-lama haku peeling kan, my friends and I perasan yang there's a huge uneven skin tone on my face and it was super duper buruk. i thought that was somewhat like panau and I went to pharmacy and dia pun cakap panau. Then, I religiously apply to my face the cream she gave and there's no sign of disappering. I was like OMG.Macam mana ni?Then, I went back to the clinic and showed the doc and she said this was like macam allergy and nanti dia akan hilang. Pffft..Tak hilang pun, lama kelamaan makin jelas nampak on my face was like a world map liddat kan. =''( sad again.
Yeah. This is chemical peeling *scary*

Then, I went to other skin clinic and the doc asked whether I pernah buat apa-apa treatment. Haku mengaku la kan pernah buat peeling and stuff and the doc asked dah berapa kali. I said nearly 3-4 times and the doc said OMG you're allergy to the chemical and advised that I should't do that again because my skin was like total damage. Jerawat tak hilang, tambah satu lagi masalah ada lah. Money were drowning like crazy especially when you go to the skin specialist. After that, my skin was okay again and sometimes the pimples came out juga kan.Tapi takpe la kan, as long as my face is not damaged again.hewhewhew..

There are lots and lots of experience with my skin and you would'nt want to count how much money have my mum and I invested on this. If it didn't work well, seroiusly, it's just a wasting of your money which can be donated to your usrah group pegi suruh buat rehlah belanja-belanja makan semua kan. When I think about it again, I felt restless just to know that how much money i have spent to better skin. And for those yang kulit muka naturally flawless *I'm not kidding. There are person whose faces are flawless eventhough they wear cheapest skincare set ever*, tak payah la nak bazir-bazir to use high-end product. Just wash you face regularly like you're taking wuduk, this might sound cliche, but the one who gives you the NUR on you face is Allah swt. If HE wills it, then you got it. and for those yang kulit tak berapa flawless like me, don't be sad. Just do a lot of revision of your OWN skin and the products you want to use before you decide to buy them. Don't just rush and buy. Think. And those who think chemical peeling is good, then think again, you don't know if your skin can handle the chemical well. This is based on my experience. Even the doctor didn't know sometimes. The best is to use the natural product.

I will share the products that I had used before that I'll think will help you in choosing. InshaAllah. and I'll recommend some of the products and please note that all the products that work, work well for my skin, not for every body because each and every skin is different ye. Till then..InshaAllah we'll meet again.=) Peace!Wassalam.
Tengok. Untungla jadi katun. Takde jewawat pong.

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