Thursday, 6 September 2012

Rage on the profession!

Assalamualaikum wbt..

I've been looking at this blog and I realised one thing. Kerja cikgu senang. Yeah. Memang senang. Senang habis duit, senang sakit tangan, senang sakit bahu, senang marah *heh?* senang macam-macam lagi la kan.

Downsizing people or profession is not cool liddat~

But actually I don't want to make huge fuss over this girl, because if I do that, I would be of the same degree of mind, behaviour and attitude of hers. Let's not bomb her anymore because she had apologised officially. So yeah.

I would not call this profession a professional one because you know, we deal with pupils, children and most of the time people, people! Unlike other profession that I would call professional professions *belit-belit lidah haku* like engineers, accountants and architects and many more.
The people in these professions, would not deal with PEOPLE terus menerus and all the time. So they are different from teachers. Accountants work most of the time with accounts or numbers, engineers with numbers, buildings, sites and you name it. Architects with their creative scrolls of people's dream houses and buildings.

Teachers deal with behaviour, attitude, persons, persona, backgrounds, special needs and cases, different level of acceptance and many more than you will be nearly crazy to just think about it. And people who never or not yet in the profession, I bet you should have more respect to teachers and the profession because you never know or imagine how enormous teachers' sacrifice and kindness to each and everyone of us.

Today is not Teachers' Day and hey! Do we make dua' of our parents on Parents' Day ONLY. Teachers are your second parents and cherish them with your du'a and inshaAllah, Allah will grant you with good rezeki and fortune. Biiznillah..Allahumma Amin.

And those who hate teachers and the profession, please, please and please. never do that ever again. because it is because of your teachers' kindness, that they show you the right way to earn life..And students who hate teachers because they are giving you loads of homework, be happy and redha because the things that you learn now will be a great help for you in the future.

Teachers Rock!!

Further reading that I might think useful and interesting and it genuinely covers all that I wanted to express. Hih *peluh besar*
Aiman Azlan's Guru Tak (Dapat)Buat Kerja

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